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Chain Conveyors

Chain conveyor are conveying systems using chains, usually with slats/aprons, wire mesh, rollers and the likes that are assembled on top of the chains, to transport the material to be handled.

Types of Chain Conveyors
According to the conveying surface, they can be classified as: slat conveyor, apron conveyor, wire mesh conveyor, free flow Conveyor, etc.  Besides, chain conveyors are also often used in combinaton with other conveying equipments and lift systems to form production/assembling lines of various purposes.

Slat Chain Conveyor
Slat Chain Conveyors
Beads Top Chain Conveyors
Slat Chain Conveyors
Free Flow Conveyors
Chain Conveyors

1. High transferring capacity - highly efficient chain conveyors allow transporting large volume of material up to 600m3/h within a rather small space. 2. Power efficient.

Chain Conveyors can be widely employed to transport materials and products in industries like beverage, beer, food, farmacy, electronics, logistics, machinery and electric appliance, etc.